lWalt: Follow an inquiry process and present our inquiry learning about the Special Olympics using MS Movie Maker. Before making this movie, I looked over the feedback I recieved last term for my movie about China. Some of the things I took into consideration and tried to improve on when making this movie were being in a quieter place so that you can hear what the people are saying and to make the information easier to understand. Something interesting I have learnt about the Special Olympics during this inquiry is that the Special Olympics has quite alot of different sports compared to the normal Olympics. A challenge I found in this inquiry was being on time with the filming because it takes alot of perseveranceto get them right. I overcame this challenge by sticking to what I was set to do and not fooling off and being silly.
I really liked the way you had lots of humour but not too much and how you had lots of different backqrounds.
Next time you could try to have nice clear voices, turn the music down and try not to have lots of other voices in the background.
good use of humour you guys. rember to find a quiet place. try to turn the music down. and remember to try to fit in more facts
Hi Holly
I like your movie a lot and i like how i was VERY entertainted the whole time.
You could try to next time include a tiny bit more info and make it more quiet.
But WOW that was soooo cool!
Hay ya Holly and Imo
I liked how you used humor and used costumes and how you used nice clear voices and diffrent people!!!!!1
well i don`t now what you have to do to improve but oh yeah 1 thing is you could turn the music sow a bit in the movie!!
Awsome movieeeeeeee Guys!!!!!1
hi Holly,
I really like the way you had clar voices.
Next time you could try to be a bit more clear.
i watched the special olympics on tv one time and it was really interesting. :)
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