Walt: Follow an inquiry process.
This term as we have been learning about China, we have continued building on the inquiry skills we learnt in term 2. We brainstormed open questions as a class and then delegated these out to pairs. The part of China Demi and I were finding out more about was the different ways of transport. We found most of our information from on the internet. We used a data chart to make sure we triangulated all our information so we knew it was true. We then used Movie Maker to present our inquiry. Something I enjoyed was the filming because it was alot of fun but also took alot of pererverance. An interesting fact I found out was thta trains are the mostly used transport in China and that they are not like trains here in New Zealand because thay have speed trains. My next learning step in inquiry is to find out all my information alot faster and maybe to make the movie not so silly and with some more clearer information and more information by itself because some people might not get the way that we have presented it which means they wouldn't of got the fact.