Thursday, February 26, 2009

WALT: Carry out and present a Statistical Inestigation.

In class we have been doing statistics and learning how to carry out Statistical Investagations and present data. My Statistcal Investagation was on what does room 3 like to do most? I presented it using wordle. This wordle shows me that most people in room3 like hangingout and the same amount of people like reading and drama.

Wordle: holly's maths

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Principals questions about createIT so far

What is good about blogger?

Blogger is good because it is a different way of learning and makes learning fun and exciting. It also helps us in ICT for the future because we learn new skills on computers.

How does a blog link your school learning with your home?

With a blog you can go home and share your learning with your parents or family . Also your parents don't have to come to school to see what you have been learning.
Create your own Animation